Tuesday, June 4, 2013



 Narrator: Diego, Hector and Victor are three children on holiday that decided to go camping with the scouts at a ranch near the city. During the day they bathed and had fun on the beach:

Hector: Victor! Let´s go to the water! Run before Diego comes!
Victor: Let´s wait for him, he is getting out of the car, he will be here very soon! Run Diego! We want to get into the water!
Diego: Yes I will get some food to eat it later on! Wait for me please I´ll also get the ball and some beach raquets to play a little bit.
Hector: Ok! Hurry up, all the scouts are already having fun, and out here it is very hot!

Narrator: Diego arrived, he left the ball on the ground and running they went to the water in their swimming costumes. They started playing as if they had guns and the noise they made was awesome for the size they where.

Hector: Bing! Bang!
Diego: Touched!

Narrator: They stayed all the day playing and having lot´s of fun…but suddenly, maybe caused by the exhausting day they had, they didn´t realize they where crossing a road and…

(tracks noise!!)
Victor: Hector!!! Be careful!!! It has been such a fantastic day we cant destroyed now! Are you okay?
Hector: (Shocked) Yes…I must be careful.

Narrator: It all seemed okay the shocked had passed and they where already laughing again, but at night the fear invaded them when they heard that something haunted his tent.

(The children slept, suddenly they heard something about running, Hector suddenly rises)

Hector: Victor! Victor! Have you heard that!!??
Victor (Awakening): What do you want? Do not shout or Diego will also wake up and you know how angry he gets when you waking him up.
Hector: Did you hear that? I think there's something outside.
Victor: It's nothing, probably just the wind.

(Victor starting to settle down, goes back to sleep when he hears the same noise again, as he hears it, he stands up at ones)

Hector: Did you hear? Did you hear?
Victor: Yes! What was that? Don´t panic!
Hector: I do not know that is why I woke you up! Victor…I am a little bit scared, we don´t know what that thing can be, and it is very late, anything that can be outside at these hours can not be good…
(Diego snores…the noise is repeated and both scream and Diego wakes up)

Diego (Upset): Aaah! Why are you shouting!! Can´t you see I´m sleeping? I hate when people disturb me while I am sleeping!!!
(He angrily stands up, runs to get a glass of water and…drinks it slowly).
Victor: We have heard something outside. A very strange noise, like, like…I don´t know, but is really strange don´t you think?
Hector: What if it's a bear?
Diego: We are on a ranch! No bears, on ranches.
Victor: What if it's a monster that already ate the other children and now it is coming for us?
Diego: The monsters only live under the beds!
(He drops the glass and the noise scares even more Victor and Hector.
Victor: Ahhhhhhhh!!! Be careful! I thought there was a monster.
Hector: And if it's a different kind of monster?

(The noise is heard again and closer, the children scream)

Victor: I told you! There's something out there.
Diego: Yes, but I don not think it's a monster. It can be a giant wolf (he imitates a wolf) or a horse (he imitates a horse) or just a lost cow.

Hector: Where are you going Diego? Please come here? Don´t leave us alone! Get away from the door right now!

(Diego goes neer to the door, and opens it)

Victor and Hector: No! Do not open it!
Diego: It's nothing, I'm sure.

(The noise is heard again, Diego opens (door noise) the door and leaves the stage)

Diego: Aaaah!
Victor: What happened? What happened?
Hector: Are you okay?
Diego: I can not see anything out there and I have stepped in a sharp rock.
Victor: Are you okay??
Diego: It hurt a little bit but yes, I am okay. You know what, I have not seen anything out there, although is true I heard that noise as you, but we should try to get a sleep and tomorrow we will tell what we heard to the monitors. Okay?
Victor: I am really tired, but how are we going to sleep with that thing outside?
Hector: Maybe he is right and we should try to sleep a little bit, tomorrow will be another day…
Victor: And what if we don´t survive until tomorrow!
Diego: Do not panic! I will be alert and if something happens I will run to ask for some help.

(they all go to sleep, and it seconds…Diego starts to snore again)

Victor: How can he can get to sleep so quickly, I can not believe it…
Hector: I really don’t know, it´s like magic…but we should try to sleep, don´t worry.

(suddenly that noise again)

Hector: I have heard it again!
Victor: Me too! What are we going to do? We need to ask for help! Where is diego?
Hector: Oh my god! He is not in his bed!
Victor: Don´t worry…look where he is … (Diego is sleeping in the floor)
Hector: Wake him up.

(Victor starts giving with his leg in Diego´s shoulder)

Diego (angry): What are you doing!!!?? (He punches the floor several times and the wall). I was a having a really nice dream!
Hector: That noise again! You must go and ask for help.
Diego: I can´t believe it…okay I will go out.
Hector and Victor: Be careful please! And come here as soon as possible.

(Diego opens the door and goes out…he screams again and then we can hear how the child laughs, then he returns to the scene with a dog in her arms)

Diego: This is what was frightening you! He was searching for food between backpacks. And he is injured in a leg!

(the dog makes noices)

Victor: We must call a vet!
Hector: I agree, get my phone and will call right now!

(mobile phone noise)

Narrator: They called a 24h vet. After 10 minutes they arrived.

(ruido de coche derrapando y sirenas de la ambulacia del veterinario)

Children: We have done a great job!!

Narrator: And so the children could sleep that night knowing that they were safe from the monsters, bears and other creatures of the night who lived only in their imaginations.

Friday, May 24, 2013

You get it !

Charlie(to Jake) : Why did the blond stared at the carton of orange juice ?

Jake : I don't know , why ?

Charlie : Because the carton said concentrate. 

Jake(to his classmates) :That's okay I didn't get it either

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I give my projects, works and exams. 

My work schedule is not enough for all the stuff teachers ask to do.

Life is too short and the work's too much. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


- Hamlet: Gone walking! Not back, avenge death.

- Gertrude: Why do you have so many swords?

-Hamlet: Ah, I'm not gonna lie to you, mother. So long. ( He leaves the room)

50's unusual marriage

-Husband: Honey, I'm home!

-Wife: Hi Darling. How are you?

- Husband: Not to bad. I'm hungry, honey.

- Wife: You know what? Me too, darling.

Newspaper' man

-Man: "North Korea shoots another missile..."

-Woman: Um...

-Man: "... United States is worried about Asia's situation"

-Woman: God! Damn it! Stop boring the newspaper !

Friday, May 17, 2013

First letter

Tengo una mujer en cada mano, sólo salgo con ellas para ver el mundo con color.
Las conocí en un antro de esos que sabes que, entras porque no hay más necesidad.

Que frío, que espanto, me deshidrataba hasta en invierno, no paraba de mojar la almohada. 
Las noches más largas, duraban apenas un par de horas. 
De la necesidad de tu cariño, mi cerebro se inventó lo que mi corazón decía, lo que él quería que pasara. 
Engaños, mentiras e imaginaciones, si... Pero también sonrisas, emoción y alegría. 
Vaya, que fácil era la vida, mi cabeza estaba loca, no me lo podía dejar de creer. 
¿Entonces qué pasó? ¿Qué diablos ha ocurrido aquí? ¿En qué momento se rompió? 
¿Cuándo la ficción superó la razón? ¿Cuándo mi corazón y cabeza decidieron unir fuerzas para vengarse de mí? 
Algo se rompió en mí, un sonoro crack aceleró el pulso, me ardía el pecho y la cabeza se me iba. 

De repente, ni la almohada contenía mis lágrimas, ni con botellas de agua recuperaba lo que mis ojos echaban...
Ya no me respondía nada. 

De tanto intentar apagarlo y encenderlo, pensando en lo correcto, al final se estropeó.
¿Y que más daba? Ya no lo iba a necesitar más, no después de perderte. 
¿Aire al cerebro? ¿Y que piense todo lo que estoy perdiendo? ¿Memoria para recordarme lo que he perdido y dejado escapar? 

Ahora, gracias a un superhéroe de esos con bata, tengo dos mujeres en cada mano a las que veo cada 10 horas y que me invitan a un vaso de agua. 

Dos mujeres que no quieren dejarme ir hasta que no se me olvide porque letra empieza tu nombre.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chocolate mouse for dessert

I woke up, it was a cloudy day, deserted roads...I did not know what was going on. Like every day I went into the subway and arrived to my study place: Ces Don Bosco.
Nobody was there, it was very late, how estrange I thought. So I went to the canteen and there it was, the dead body of an enormous rat, suddenly...
-A sandwich?It´s free..

Mr Potato

-I have knew teacher mum...a very estrange one..
-He makes us call him "Mr Potato" he can get his arm and put it in his leg, he can get his leg a put it in his ear...and the most estrange thing...
-He is going to make us an exam of the film "Toy Story"

Monday, May 13, 2013

A murder in the shadow

Just two weeks left for exams. Everybody is nervous for one subject in concrete. We don’t know how to study it. Will it be a difficult exam? The teacher is famous for failing an 80% of his students. He is known as the murder of Ces Don Bosco.
Will we be his next victims?

Potato's life

Tomorrow I have an important exam. I go to bed and start staring at the ceiling of my bedroom as it was like a blackboard where it will appear the solution of my problems. I am exhausted but nervous don’t allow me sleep. I am thinking in a calm life, without problems not even worries as a potato.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

2 0 1 3

Today is another ordinary day. When I wake up I turn on my iPhone and I look the Whatsapp and check my messages. Right after I check my Facebook "Wow! Look at this, she was in a party last night", two pictures more... Finally I get up, have a bath, eat a couple of toast bread while I check "the news" from Twitter. 

While I´m going to school I'm listening to the radio. Announcer says that I must follow him at Twitter or Facebook if I want to be update "Hey man, it is ironic" I text in Facebook. 

I say hello to my classmates, talking about weekend. "Where´re the  questions about my weekend?" Dude, I watched you were at Claudia´s party and you had a good day isn't it? 

" Jesus that is really boring isn't it?" I asked my closer friend via Whatsapp. He answered me with a  link of news that I can check.

Oh man coming back my 3G didn't work and I inform my friends which underground stations it doesn't work.

I want to talk with someone but my conversation ends right away because I really know all about my friends.

Watching TV, a spot says that exists a new Toyota Rav4 which is sold with Twitter. "Cool, everybody can know where I am when I'm driving".

Good night! " I text" and 30 minutes later I finally fall sleep, "I said good night but there were a pairs of friend who wanted to know more (to gossip) about the picture I saw in the morning. 

Well, Orwell, you did. Your legacy is clear.People can be changed  but society will be always the same. Maybe we don't call ourself by that name but we really are. 

If you had read the "I've read this and I accept" when you created your profile in Internet (nobody does it) you'd read 
that you accept turn into BIG BROTHER, cause you be always watching them.

Clear Underachievement

- Hey man! I thought you like potatoes !
- I can't eat them dude !
- Are you doing diet?
- No man ! You´re joking?
- Calm down bro ! Medical prescription? 
- No man !
- So... what the hell is your problem ?
- My teachers have talked with my parents and they said that I fail because I am a couch potato !

Life cycle

His mother was crying, she couldn't believe it, her little had gone. 

She still remembering his first steps, his first tooth, his first day of school, their afternoon  snack, his cartoons, his innocence. 
All has occurred too fast.

Yesterday her little boy started the university. 
He is a man.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Margaret Tatcher was a very important figure in English society. She made poltical and economic reforms that helped England to end the crisis. She become very popular with the country´s economy recovery and the victory in the Maldiva´s war.
She is an icon of english society. She will always be remembered as one of the main characters in the England' History.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


- Peter we must go, policemen are about to come and arrest all the members of the strike.
- Not one step back! Our rights are in danger, we must fight to secure the future of our children!
- Okay let's do it then.


With a blow, scabs still working like beavers to assemble all the pieces for the Iron Lady´s suit of armour. 1984.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A cycle with not end

All the animals on their knees. On the top of a rock, with sun lights in his mane. After his dad and uncle's dead now he is the King.
This is the most Shakespearian tragedy in the savannah.

Magic industry

- Woof! Woof!
- Mum, I want that dog!
- It´s a yellow dog my dear...
- No, it's orange...
- Okay let's buy it... what are you going to do with him?
- I´ll call him Pluto and he will be a star of the screen!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Recipe for successful

Recipe for successful:
2 white gloves, red trousers, 2 white buttons, happiness, 2 yellow shoes, imagination, black color and wishful thinking and the most simple animal.

*Secret ingredient: Magic*