Tuesday, June 4, 2013



 Narrator: Diego, Hector and Victor are three children on holiday that decided to go camping with the scouts at a ranch near the city. During the day they bathed and had fun on the beach:

Hector: Victor! Let´s go to the water! Run before Diego comes!
Victor: Let´s wait for him, he is getting out of the car, he will be here very soon! Run Diego! We want to get into the water!
Diego: Yes I will get some food to eat it later on! Wait for me please I´ll also get the ball and some beach raquets to play a little bit.
Hector: Ok! Hurry up, all the scouts are already having fun, and out here it is very hot!

Narrator: Diego arrived, he left the ball on the ground and running they went to the water in their swimming costumes. They started playing as if they had guns and the noise they made was awesome for the size they where.

Hector: Bing! Bang!
Diego: Touched!

Narrator: They stayed all the day playing and having lot´s of fun…but suddenly, maybe caused by the exhausting day they had, they didn´t realize they where crossing a road and…

(tracks noise!!)
Victor: Hector!!! Be careful!!! It has been such a fantastic day we cant destroyed now! Are you okay?
Hector: (Shocked) Yes…I must be careful.

Narrator: It all seemed okay the shocked had passed and they where already laughing again, but at night the fear invaded them when they heard that something haunted his tent.

(The children slept, suddenly they heard something about running, Hector suddenly rises)

Hector: Victor! Victor! Have you heard that!!??
Victor (Awakening): What do you want? Do not shout or Diego will also wake up and you know how angry he gets when you waking him up.
Hector: Did you hear that? I think there's something outside.
Victor: It's nothing, probably just the wind.

(Victor starting to settle down, goes back to sleep when he hears the same noise again, as he hears it, he stands up at ones)

Hector: Did you hear? Did you hear?
Victor: Yes! What was that? Don´t panic!
Hector: I do not know that is why I woke you up! Victor…I am a little bit scared, we don´t know what that thing can be, and it is very late, anything that can be outside at these hours can not be good…
(Diego snores…the noise is repeated and both scream and Diego wakes up)

Diego (Upset): Aaah! Why are you shouting!! Can´t you see I´m sleeping? I hate when people disturb me while I am sleeping!!!
(He angrily stands up, runs to get a glass of water and…drinks it slowly).
Victor: We have heard something outside. A very strange noise, like, like…I don´t know, but is really strange don´t you think?
Hector: What if it's a bear?
Diego: We are on a ranch! No bears, on ranches.
Victor: What if it's a monster that already ate the other children and now it is coming for us?
Diego: The monsters only live under the beds!
(He drops the glass and the noise scares even more Victor and Hector.
Victor: Ahhhhhhhh!!! Be careful! I thought there was a monster.
Hector: And if it's a different kind of monster?

(The noise is heard again and closer, the children scream)

Victor: I told you! There's something out there.
Diego: Yes, but I don not think it's a monster. It can be a giant wolf (he imitates a wolf) or a horse (he imitates a horse) or just a lost cow.

Hector: Where are you going Diego? Please come here? Don´t leave us alone! Get away from the door right now!

(Diego goes neer to the door, and opens it)

Victor and Hector: No! Do not open it!
Diego: It's nothing, I'm sure.

(The noise is heard again, Diego opens (door noise) the door and leaves the stage)

Diego: Aaaah!
Victor: What happened? What happened?
Hector: Are you okay?
Diego: I can not see anything out there and I have stepped in a sharp rock.
Victor: Are you okay??
Diego: It hurt a little bit but yes, I am okay. You know what, I have not seen anything out there, although is true I heard that noise as you, but we should try to get a sleep and tomorrow we will tell what we heard to the monitors. Okay?
Victor: I am really tired, but how are we going to sleep with that thing outside?
Hector: Maybe he is right and we should try to sleep a little bit, tomorrow will be another day…
Victor: And what if we don´t survive until tomorrow!
Diego: Do not panic! I will be alert and if something happens I will run to ask for some help.

(they all go to sleep, and it seconds…Diego starts to snore again)

Victor: How can he can get to sleep so quickly, I can not believe it…
Hector: I really don’t know, it´s like magic…but we should try to sleep, don´t worry.

(suddenly that noise again)

Hector: I have heard it again!
Victor: Me too! What are we going to do? We need to ask for help! Where is diego?
Hector: Oh my god! He is not in his bed!
Victor: Don´t worry…look where he is … (Diego is sleeping in the floor)
Hector: Wake him up.

(Victor starts giving with his leg in Diego´s shoulder)

Diego (angry): What are you doing!!!?? (He punches the floor several times and the wall). I was a having a really nice dream!
Hector: That noise again! You must go and ask for help.
Diego: I can´t believe it…okay I will go out.
Hector and Victor: Be careful please! And come here as soon as possible.

(Diego opens the door and goes out…he screams again and then we can hear how the child laughs, then he returns to the scene with a dog in her arms)

Diego: This is what was frightening you! He was searching for food between backpacks. And he is injured in a leg!

(the dog makes noices)

Victor: We must call a vet!
Hector: I agree, get my phone and will call right now!

(mobile phone noise)

Narrator: They called a 24h vet. After 10 minutes they arrived.

(ruido de coche derrapando y sirenas de la ambulacia del veterinario)

Children: We have done a great job!!

Narrator: And so the children could sleep that night knowing that they were safe from the monsters, bears and other creatures of the night who lived only in their imaginations.

1 comment:

  1. I have laughed a lot with your radioplay! The story is very funny and voices and entonation are very good achieved
